Suggested venues
Listed below are some suggested venues that we feel may be of interest should you be looking to hire a location for your event.
Park Hill Hotel, Oulton Village 01502 730322
101 The Avenue, Lowestoft, 01502 565534
Carlton Community Centre, Carlton Colville 01502 581403
Uplands Community Centre, Carlton Colville 01502 01502 587768
Piranha Joes, Claremont Pier, Lowestoft 01502 573533
Oulton Community Centre 01502 511498
Blundeston Village Hall 01502 730184
Hopton Village Hall 01502 730768
Lowestoft Town Football Club 01502 573818
Lowestoft Railway and Bowls Club 01502 574578
The Lady of the Lady PH. Oulton Broad 01502 516145
The First & Last Public House, 01502 588225
The Belle View Inn, Gorleston-on-sea, 07940 955192
Masonic Hall, 101 The Avenue, Lowestoft, 01502 565534
The Ole Frank Public House, 01502 512031
The Norman Warrior Public House, 01502 561982
Should you have any queries regarding whether a venue will permit outside caterers, please feel free to give us a call and we will do our best to answer your questions.